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Sparkles in Her Fingertips

Updated: Apr 15, 2019

This tribute is for Sydney Drew. Known as SPD's Pink Ranger. She first appears as a cadet at the academy. She comes off a bit high and mighty. Her family is really rich. However she really does having a caring heart and a strong sense of selflessness. Syd seeks true beauty even when it's hidden well. She has truly commendable endurance, and she has incredible will power. She has a snappy sense of humor. She is definitely one of my favorite SPD characters. Syd has the power to charge up her fists in iron armor and to occasionally create armor for them from other objects around. Syd is a clever thinker and does not back down easily. The episode "Perspective" was quite confusing but it is clear Syd played a valuable part in defeating the monster as well as showed off her valuable fencing skills. Syd also has a stuffed elephant named Peanuts. Her main zord is a Siren Car and also contains the Badge Device created to judge SPD's opponents as guilty or innocent.


Syd is played by Alycia Purrot. I Met her in person at Power Morphicon and she was one of the most fun people I got to talk to. I also got her autograph! Syd is one of the best Pink Rangers. Alycia is kind, friendly, creative and super pretty, they go great together. Syd will be featured in ship posts and I will talk about those there. She's a true hero. One last important thing never mess with her shoes or her hair!

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