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My, My look at that Cowboy in the sky!

Updated: Feb 25, 2019

Joel Rawlings is definitely one of the Funniest Green Rangers ever. He is a member of the Lightspeed Rescue team. Joel has earned himself a strong reputation as the "Sky Cowboy" of Marnier Bay. Joel is able to drive any flying vehicle and with guidance from Captain Mitchell he was able to pilot a submarine in the Season finale. Joel has a cocky attitude and likes to show off a lot. In the second episode Joel meets Miss Fairweather who is the chief scientist of Lightspeed and he goes through many efforts to try and impress her. This up and down love saga was fun to watch. I think a big turning point was when he saves her life from the Volcano in "Rising From Ashes." Though also The mega battles episode was a big factor too. It was indeed a surprise to learn Clark was in fact Angela Fairweather's brother, since they were a little oddly close. Joel and Miss Fairweather are seen together planinng their honeymoon, in the Time Force team-up.


They are still the only hero couple on the show to get this far in their relationship. They represent a fine a example of two people being able to learn how to deal with each other's different interests and to strive forward together. I hope they are still happy together. Joel is a terrific Green Ranger and while he may get caught up in his common attempts to please the crowd, he has a good heart and is always there for his friends. Joel is played by Kieth Robinson.

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