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My first Base Review

Updated: Apr 28, 2019

This tribute is not dedicated to a character but to an important icon from season six- The Astro Megaship. This counts as a zord tribute too. The Astro Megaship is so cool!!! It has seven decks. It can zoom through space at several different speeds. It has a on board computer system known as Deca. Deca has a witty sense of humor. Deca was originally closest with Andros but developed respect for the other Rangers in time. Deca was voiced by Julie Maddalena. The Megaship has jump tubes that allow the Rangers to access their gliders. It has a machine called the Synchtron capable of preparring any food or drink. It has a virtual Semi-deck for the Rangers to train on which can create multiple simulations. Each Ranger has their own living quarters. It has a control bridge and an eating room. It has a really cool looking engine room with gigantic engines. There's an exercise room. The Ship has a powerful Tractor Beam and planet scanning and tracking systems. It has defense lasers and shields. It also has a Thermal Power Vault for storing secret items.


The Astro Megaship combines with the Shuttle the Rangers borrowed from Earth to make the Astro Megazord! The Astro Megazord can also be combined with the Delta Megazord, to make the Astro-Delta Megazord. It has a Saber which can be summoned on command and a Blaster too. It can preform kicks and punches. Alpha 6 has occasionally solo-piloted the Astro Megaship when necessary. This base was featured in two seasons. They are In Space and Lost Galaxy. It was destroyed during "Journey's End." It remains my all-time favorite Power Rangers Base. In addition to being a base for the Rangers, it was also briefly used as a museum aboard Terra Venture. It is capable of flying through vortexes. It was also once piloted by special Guest Stars The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The ship used in "Forever Red" was introduced as The Astro Megaship Mark II but we never found out if it had all the same capabilities. The Astro Megaship is a grand part of the Space and Galaxy Rangers, arsenals. It won my attention right away from its' first appearance.

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Nice you talk about stuff, not just people. It would be nice to see just a list of all of the megazords, and which seasons they were in.

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