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Kimberly Hart part 2


Updated: Feb 28, 2019

In the Ninities there were many cute iconic girls in the media. Girls like Brittany Spears or Christina Aguilera or Kim Basinger. If I had to pick a trait of the first Pink Ranger that makes her stand out, I would say she's always a good listener. That right there is what I value most about Kimberly Hart. It didn't matter who's problem it was. Billy, Zack, Jason, Trini, Tommy, Adam, Rocky, Aisha, Ernie, or even on occasion Bulk and Skull. She would be willing to listen, and then willing to help. Kimberly has a very big heart. No joke intended. When she has a problem they're there for her too. This is why the original team works so well as a whole. Kimberly will always be the Original Pink Ranger and that does set her apart fairly. In the begining there really was no one else to compare her to. Kimberly is a passionate girl and I admire her determination and commitment. It is true she played the damsel in distress, many times, however she never let it cramp her style.


All the Classic Rangers are Superheroes as far as I'm concerned. Their spirit is to be appreciated. Their battle form is a great asset, but what they do off the field is equally special. Kimberly touches so many lives within her time on the show. She's there for kids and adults alike. Kimberly is a fantastic Ranger, she is also equally a fantastic person. Once again she was in a total of One Hundred-Thirty Seven episodes. Only in a couple handfuls of those was she simply playing the part of Tommy's girlfriend. Kimberly truly is a special part of the Power Rangers Legacy. Long Live the classic Pink Ranger!



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