This tribute is about Lothor's Nieces. They are known as Marah and Kapri. They are still the only female comedy duo to be featured on the show. As is common with comedy pairs the characters are opposites. Kapri is confidant, brash, tough and selfish, while Marah is childish, sensitive, stubborn and has a hidden sweet side. Marah and Kapri have been seen using fighting techinques on the field and have energy attacks programmed into their battle gear. Marah develops an attraction to three different characters. She referrs to Shane as cute. She went on a date with LT. Choobo. Finally in the episode "All About Beevil" she manipulates Dustin who develops a soft spot for her. She confesses a desire to talk things out in the finale. Whether or not they worked out her earlier betrayl and the true feelings beyond the concept of being a "Romeo and Juilet" type pair is left open to fan interpretation. Kapri also went after Choobo as well during "Return Of Thunder" and hinted she would be interested in dating a Ranger in "I Love Lothor".
Marah is played by Katrina Devine and Kapri is played by Katrina Browne. Marah is actually smarter than most perceive her to be. They fought Tori to a stand still in "Snip it, Snip it Good". This pair is not as good as the classic pair Bulk and Skull. However their antics are still very fun to watch. To date Power Rangers has featured four comedy pairs. Comedy pairs like other TV concepts can be both hits and misses. However I do like this one so yay for Marah and Kapri!