This is my third couple post. The idea of Cam and Tori starts during "Thunder Strangers" with Tori coming to Cam for help and thanking him with an innocent kiss on the cheek. Hunter and Blake made a very flashy entrance in Ninja Storm and despite ups and downs that occur between their introduction and initiation on to the team, Tori came to regard Blake as someone she could really trust. Meanwhile though there were a couple more moments with Cam and Tori including several moments during "Samuri's Journey." Then of course the idea fell apart in "I Love Lothor." During this episode both Cam and Blake were victims of a love spell and they each saw Tori at the same time. However Blake already had feelings for Tori. Then there was the gift scene. Blake's gift-"A Wrench set" and Cam's gift "Acne Face Wash." Then there was a fight on the beach interrupted by a monster. Blake stepping back up, Cam admiring his commitment and then tossing him his weapon so he could defeat the monster and save the girl. Monster blows up, his spell is broken.
So Cannonwise Cam and Tori were not meant to be. However I always like to chear on the underdog. I think this pair would be a lot of this fun. It would be different. A dramatic surfing girl with a wild attitude and a tech and computer expert who can play guitar plus has warrior heritage. This pair would be epic in my opinion! Hard to say if the creators really meant to tease the audience here or not but I for think this pair deserves to be remembered and I still ship them. I mean nothing against anyone who likes Tori with Blake. This is just my opinion! Long Live Cam and Tori as a Fan Ship!